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πŸ€– VR Setup

The following guide will help set up the VR environment in your uPhone project.

Step 1 - Install Unity XR Interaction Toolkit​

In your project, Navigate to the Package Manager and Search for XR Interaction Toolkit.

Click on the corresponding package and hit Install.

Package Manager Setup

Step 2 - Configure your XR Runtime to OpenXR​

Navigate to your Project Settings under XR Plugin Management.

Ensure OpenXR is ticked for your current platform and no other runtimes.

XR Runtime Setup

Click OpenXR in the dropdown.

Add the controllers that you use and any other controllers you'd wish to support to the Interaction Profiles list.

XR Controller Profile Setup

Step 3 - Example Scene for VR Demonstration​

Navigate to Assets/uPhone/Scenes/Samples/Phone_WorldSpaceVR_Demo for a demonstration as to the VR controller as well as the Phone.

Example Scene

Step 4 - Install the uPhone XR Support UnityPackage​

Navigate to Assets/uPhone/UnityPackages/uphone_xr_support and double click the file. Follow the import instructions