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πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Extending uPhone

Extend uPhone, for designers and programmers.

For Designers​

Using our art templates​

The uPhone package provides designers and artists with template files to create custom cases, backgrounds and app layouts.

You can find the .ai files in the Assets/uPhone/Art/_Templates folder.

For Developers​

Creating a New App​

Custom apps must derive from the PhoneMonoBehaviour

Custom apps should follow the same transform and heirarchy setup formats as default applications. Once your custom app is created, It needs to be placed in either the default application list, or the store apps list.

An app placed in the default applications list will appear on the phones homescreen without any input from the user. In contrast, an app placed in the store apps list will not appear by default and will require the user to download the app from the store.