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🌐 Multiplayer (Beta)

The following guide will help set up multiplayer in your uPhone project.


Multiplayer is currently a work in progress. Please submit a ticket if you see any weird behaviours or bugs.

Photon Fusion v1 Installation​

Step 1 - Create Account​

Create a Photon account.

Step 2 - Download Fusion​

Download the SDK.

SDK download

Step 3 - Install Fusion​

Install the SDK. Click and drag the Unity Package into your project and import the files.

Step 4 - Fusion Setup​

Add your App Id to Fusion's welcome window. (Fusion > Fusion Hub)

Photon Fusion Setup

Step 5 - Photon Voice (optional)​

Install Photon Voice for voice support.

Photon Voice 2 Download

Step 6 - Photon Setup Wizard​

Click Window > Photon Unity Networking > PUN Wizard

Click Setup Project

Photon Fusion Setup

Close the PUN Wizard.

Step 7 - Photon Voice Extra Steps​

Click Window > Photon Voice > Remove PUN to remove PUN which isn't needed.

Now go to Assets/Photon/PhotonVoice and delete the Demos folder.

Photon Fusion and Voice integration is now installed! You should be able to use uPhone's networking features.


We recommend adding:


to your .gitignore if you wish to keep Photon Fusion out of git source control.

(README) Network Providers​

uPhone uses network providers to drive the multiplayer side of the asset. These will need to be dragged-on depending on what type of network solution you want to use.

For singleplayer networking:​

There should only be a single network provider in-scene for all local phone controller templates.

Go to Assets/uPhone/Scripts/Runtime/Networking and drag PhoneLocalNetworkProvider.cs into your chosen scene.

Ensure all of your PhoneBehaviour.cs scripts have the newly created network provider script dragged-onto their residing network provider serialised fields, demonstrated in the following:

Network Provider Setup

For multiplayer Photon Fusion networking:​

Each fusion controller prefab should have their own network provider. So long as you're dragging the photon fusion controller template into a fusion scene then it should work as intended.